View from the big hill

View from the big hill

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Make It Go Away

There are things in life you just don't understand fully until you have kids.  You have empathy for others but I am really not sure there is anything stronger than the will to want your kid to be healthy.  I am lucky, my kids have their health.  Minus a couple of minor ailments for Lorelai but I try not to complain.  It could be oh so much worse. 

Today one of Lorelai's problems acted up.  She has had eczema since the beginning of her little life.  I don't really remember when she wasn't plagued by the red blotchy skin somewhere on her body.  Today it was the worse I have ever seen.
Lorelai soaking in her oatmeal bath
I hate eczema.  I hate how it must make her feel.  We were fine yesterday.  This morning blotchy cheeks and then this.  Her belly was in the process of doing this too.  It is completely horrible stuff.  I have tried everything the doctors, internet and friends have offered and nothing works.  She has a steroid cream we use when it gets bad but it hasn't been like this before.  It makes me want to cry just looking at the picture.  Yesterday I bought an Aveeno lotion specifically made for eczema/sensitive skin and endorsed by the National Eczema Association.  We tried it tonight and she screamed like no other.  Mike and I did everything to get it off of her.  I have no idea how something made and sold specifically for this problem can possibly have anything in it that would be irritating.  So, we are back to using only Eucerin.  It doesn't cause her any discomfort, she is just a grease ball when you get done.  We read tonight that most kids outgrow this by age 10.  Geez, only 9 years and 4 months to go.  I pray in the morning she looks like a new kid.

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