View from the big hill

View from the big hill

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Education in Kansas

Since Wyatt was about 6 months old, I have been receiving home visits from the Parents as Teachers organization in whatever school district we lived in.  Lorelai just started hers shortly after she was born.  It is a wonderful program for kids and especially the parents who are raising them.  Each month, our Parent Educator comes to our home with fun, developmentally appropriate tasks, games, books, etc. for my kids to do.  She monitors their development and suggest things for us to do such as working with Wyatt on his fine motor skills.  An area he is not as strong in.  She visits with me about how everything is going.  And, as all you moms know out there, just having someone genuinely ask you how it is going means the world.  We talk about behavior and ways to correct or mold a bad behavior into a good one.  She completed developmental screenings to make sure they were on the right track.  And we celebrated their accomplishments.  At two years old, she taped, only audio, Wyatt answering questions about his day, favorite this or that and animals he saw in a book.  It is the most precious thing.  You put it in the tape player and close your eyes and see him in your mind, answering her questions.  It is amazing to just hear his little voice.  Wyatt loves Miss J and if anyone could get him to do something, it is her. 

Today was our last home visit.  I didn't know this until she came.  Miss J is losing her job because of the dire situation the Kansas budget is in.  This is a very competent person.  Someone who I consider an expert in her field.  Someone who has helped me realize the potential in my child and has been there to show me milestones I didn't even know they knew how to do.  Miss J is part of our family.  She watches over my kids to make sure they are all they can be.  She is an extension of me and a huge support to me.  But no more.  While the state isn't completely closing the program down, they are going from around 13 employees to 5.  Because we have received fewer than 30 home visits, our name will go into a pool to be pulled out when they have space.  They are taking special needs kiddos into consideration first which is great.  I know those families need PAT but I wonder if there is enough educators to go around for those who need immediate assistance?  It just all makes me sad, mad and just plain speechless.  I don't understand why our government bails out GM and the likes but cuts valuable education programs.  We are not going to be in trouble if a couple of executives lose their lunch money but when we fail to educate and support our children I shutter to think what is going to happen.  I just don't understand the logic behind this.  The economy is a mess.  True.  Just wait until the generation that is currently in the 3rd grade graduates high school.  Talk about a messy economy.  These kids will have had so much taken from them when it comes to education I really worry about where they will be in life.  I wonder if they will have the tools to keep their economy going.  I wonder if they will have the preparation to attend college.  It goes on and on.  But, those GM execs now are retired and living in their condos on South Beach.  Seriously? 

Miss J, even though she knew she would never visit our home again in this manner, stayed for 2 hours and completed as many things with my kids as possible.  She completed developmental screenings, made sure we talked about anything that concerned me regarding the kids, made play-do with Wyatt and held Lorelai.  She didn't have to do any of this.  She won't have a job in a month so who cares right?  She does and that is exactly why this is so sad.  She cares enough about my kids that she would spend the time to say good bye to them and read to them.  I bet I couldn't get 5 minutes of a GM execs time, even if I owned one of their stupid vehicles. 

So a toast to Miss J.  I hope whatever life has in store for you is fun and reward filled.  An most of all, I hope it includes kids.  They love you, respect you and most of all need you to help them find the way. 


  1. I love this post! So true and so well written. I couldn't agree with you more!

  2. Same thing here. Our parent educator lost her job too. It is so sad. We have been getting visits since the twins were 6 months old.
