View from the big hill

View from the big hill

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Make It Go Away

There are things in life you just don't understand fully until you have kids.  You have empathy for others but I am really not sure there is anything stronger than the will to want your kid to be healthy.  I am lucky, my kids have their health.  Minus a couple of minor ailments for Lorelai but I try not to complain.  It could be oh so much worse. 

Today one of Lorelai's problems acted up.  She has had eczema since the beginning of her little life.  I don't really remember when she wasn't plagued by the red blotchy skin somewhere on her body.  Today it was the worse I have ever seen.
Lorelai soaking in her oatmeal bath
I hate eczema.  I hate how it must make her feel.  We were fine yesterday.  This morning blotchy cheeks and then this.  Her belly was in the process of doing this too.  It is completely horrible stuff.  I have tried everything the doctors, internet and friends have offered and nothing works.  She has a steroid cream we use when it gets bad but it hasn't been like this before.  It makes me want to cry just looking at the picture.  Yesterday I bought an Aveeno lotion specifically made for eczema/sensitive skin and endorsed by the National Eczema Association.  We tried it tonight and she screamed like no other.  Mike and I did everything to get it off of her.  I have no idea how something made and sold specifically for this problem can possibly have anything in it that would be irritating.  So, we are back to using only Eucerin.  It doesn't cause her any discomfort, she is just a grease ball when you get done.  We read tonight that most kids outgrow this by age 10.  Geez, only 9 years and 4 months to go.  I pray in the morning she looks like a new kid.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Time Is NOT On My Side

48 hours ago the time changed.  This is my first experience with two kids at different stages of life during a time change and I am over it.  It took less than two days.  I am over it.  Obviously when this started, they were not one bit concerned with the mothers taking care of babies at home that DO NOT care that the time has changed.  For example, we are usually off and running between 6 and 6:30am which is now 5 to 5:30am.  Now with one child, this wouldn't be much of a problem.  I would just rest up when they did.  But with one kiddo that needs naps (the one that gets me up at all hours of the night) and one kiddo that doesn't nap at all, getting up at 5:30 in the morning and making it until 7:30 at night is not easy.  I admit it.  I NEED MY SLEEP!!!!!! 

There was a time in my life where I was sometimes on the road for work by 4am.  I decided after I changed jobs that I would never ever work a job that required me to be up before 6am.  A girl needs her rest afterall.  Unfortunately, when I had kids I just didn't realize this would be a before 6am job.  I suppose I had the same thought most of us parents have.  My kid will be a sleeper.  I am going to be lucky to not be one of those tired, dark circles under the eyes, strung out moms.  Uh, right. 

I know, I know.  This too shall pass, right?  Well, I have a theory that by the time my kids are to the stage in life where all they want to do is sleep, I am going to be at the stage in my life where I can't sleep.  One more reason to have kids when you are younger.  You both get a few years to sleep in! 

So, if you are enjoying the time change, please keep it to yourself.  I am not interested in hearing about all the beautiful sleep that is occurring at your house.  Good for you.  I am headed to get another cup of caffeine and a chocolate chip cookie.  And maybe if I am lucky I will make it another 6 months until the time rights itself and I can get back to 6am!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Principles of Sport

I have principles.  I probably have a lot of them.  In this case I am talking about sports. I was a college athlete.  My husband was a college athlete.  Me, a volleyball player.  Mike, a baseball player.  I still love playing, watching, coaching and I know my husband does too.  It really doesn't matter what I am watching.  If it is competitive, I can get into it and find a team/person to root for.  This is where my principles can get in the way and probably limit my fun somewhat.

I refuse to pay more than $35 for a college football ticket.  I think it is silly that you "need" a basketball practice facility right next to the gym you play games in where yes, there is a basketball court.  Seriously, is it really that hard to schedule practice times between two teams?  There are 24 hours in a day!  Among other things, I also think it is crazy to have so many uniforms you can mix and match to make 48 different combinations. Yes Oklahoma State fans, I am talking about your football team.

Tonight, Mike and I had to agree to disagree.  When it comes to uniforms, Mike thinks a nice shiny new uniform gives the athlete an edge and perhaps even makes them play better.  Nice new uniform, you feel better about yourself, you play better.  Me, I disagree totally.  I wore some pretty ugly uniforms in my playing days.  Those of you who played at Barton County or played against us in volleyball will fondly remember the unitards. :)  They were horrible, one piece uniforms that none of us liked but I can with out a doubt say that it didn't make us play worse.  We played in the National tournament both years!  I just don't see how a uniform can affect shear athletic ability.  Maybe it is just me?  I didn't play to look good, I played to win.  I got a high out of hitting the crap out of a volleyball, not looking my best in spandex.  Now, to his defense, baseball players are some of the most superstitious athletes I know.  So it doesn't surprise me in the least that he thinks a uniform can make or break a game.  I will give him that much.  A millimeter.

So much money is now forced into college sports.  Every facet is controlled by a dollar bill.  Because of this, pure sport is in serious jeopardy.  I would just like to think that competition hasn't been reduced to playing well just because you are wearing uniform combination 28.  Maybe put some of the money spent on purchasing 10 uniforms and helmets just to look cool toward reducing the price of my ticket so I can afford to take my family to a game and buy my son a popcorn when we get there.  So sorry honey, I don't think I can agree to disagree.  We will just have to disagree!  And tomorrow, when OSU takes the field against K-State, I hope they are wearing uniform combination 32 because it really does nothing for their figures and right now, K-State will take whatever advantage they can get.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I will be the first to tell you that Halloween is my least favorite of all the holidays.  Even as a kid, I didn't enjoy trying to figure out what I was going to be and if I remember correctly, my Mom usually came up with something that we could both agree on and she would make it herself.  I was even a nun one year!  I don't like to be scared (never have and never will) and I think most now use the day as an excuse to dress inappropriately in fish net stockings. :) 
All that aside, I have kids now and Wyatt is old enough to understand that you can dress up, say trick or treat and candy magically appears in the bucket you hold out in front of you.  This year, Wyatt chose to be, wait for it..... drum roll........ a K-State football player!!!!!  I know, totally surprised those that know him.  I didn't mind one bit that he wanted to be this since we had the uniform already.  We took the kids to a trunk or treat at our church the night before Halloween and at the 11th hour he decided to pull out last year's fireman outfit but on Halloween, it was all K-State football.

My little Lorelai was a ladybug.  I found the costume ultra cheap on Craigslist and it is super nice and one she can wear next year (and will!).  I am not one who drags around a baby with a bag to collect candy they will never eat but it was fun to dress her up and just take her along for the ride.  She was mostly less than thrilled but we went with Mike and Wyatt until we got to our friend's house around the corner and then headed home and left the boys to trick and treat on their own. 
The day before Halloween headed to Resurrection's Trunk or Treat!
On Halloween ready to Trick or Treat!

 Halloween isn't complete without a jack o lantern so Mike and Wyatt made one out of the little pumpkins we had and it turned out pretty cute.  Wyatt also had the K-State pumpkin he won at his school's carnival a week ago.  That one will never go under the knife according to Wyatt so it may be around for next Halloween.  He pretty much loves the pumpkin so I don't know what is going to happen when it is time for it to go bye bye. 
I know there won't be many Halloweens like this.  With Wyatt wanting to be something nice and not scary and Lorelai peeking out from behind her ladybug antennae so I enjoyed the moment and let Wyatt eat an extra piece of candy.  The funny thing was, I think he had more fun handing the candy out to the other trick or treaters than eating it himself!  That's my kiddo!
Mike informed me that he wants to decorate the garage up next year.  Yippee.  I suppose that means the Darth Vader costume is coming back out of hiding.  He didn't wear it this year since Wyatt is scared of everything right now.  But, I have to let those who enjoy the day enjoy it.  Just don't scare me and be sure to tell me how cute the little ladybug is that I am holding and it will be a Happy Halloween!