View from the big hill

View from the big hill

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had such a great day yesterday.  This is by far NOT my favorite holiday.  Something about all that pink floating around, but the kiddos love it!  I always make Wyatt's cards.  I do the cutting, he puts on the stickers.  Lots of Snoopy stickers!  This was the first year he has been in school for the holiday and they had a fun little party.  Lorelai and I went to help and brought their juice.  Their snack was right up Wyatt's alley.  They had heart shaped Krispy Kreme donuts!
Is. That. What. I. Think. It. Is??????
They played a couple of cute games and worked on a project too.  I always love it when I get to go hang out with him at school!  It amazes me the teacher can get 14 three and four year olds to behave but she does it with what seems to be relative ease.  Maybe I need to spend more time there!
Counting conversation hearts.
Handing out his Valentines
They were also not forgotten by their Grandparents and had so much fun getting mail.  Lorelai of course knows nothing about any of this but it didn't take her long to figure out her brother was eating something way better than the MumMum mom gave her.
Her very own package!

Wyatt and I made Dad oatmeal raisin cookies.  No one else eats raisins in this house so Mike doesn't ever get them and was pretty happy.  He took them to work so I'm sure most of them are gone today!  Of course we are now in candy rationing mode and I'm trying to stay out of all of it myself.  Not an easy task.  All working parents should be left at home with the candy willy nilly the day after a holiday!  I hope you all had a great day and shared a few treats with your special people.  Happy Valentine's Day!

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