View from the big hill

View from the big hill

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

To Labor or Not to Labor

Saturday I started to not feel so hot. I finally got myself to bed but woke up on Sunday morning and I was at it again. I knew in the back of my mind, I was having more contractions than I should have been but we had family in town and with a three year old running around, I just kept going as best I could.  By 4:30pm I knew I better call the dr.  With contractions every 1-5 minutes all day, I had a feeling I would be headed to the hospital but even as we were driving there, I kept telling Mike we would be home in an hour.  They always send you home when you go in early, right?  Well, that hour turned into 24 and the waiting game begins.  There were two times her little heart rate dropped and that brought in what seemed to be the entire floor of staff but eventually they got her rate back up to normal.  I went from thinking I would be home in an hour to discussing emergency c-sections three hours later.  It was all so scary and fast.  I just kept telling Mike how it didn't seem possible we were even there.  We are 34 weeks and counting.  At 33 weeks, they stop labor.  At 34 weeks they let you go, but don't give you anything to encourage labor.  So, I labored away, exhausted from the last two days.  I am now dilated to 3cm and holding so they sent me home to wait it out.  

I will be the first to tell anyone, I don't like gray areas.  I do much better operating under black and white.  I am now living in a gray area.  Resting as much as possible so we can at least get to 35 or 36 weeks but selfishly hoping I am not waddling around with contractions every 10 minutes for the next 6 weeks.  I truly hope to have a very happy, healthy baby.  One of my biggest worries is having to leave the hospital and leave my little girl in the NICU.  I just don't even want to think about it.  I never thought I would ever be in a situation like this.  We are saying our prayers and hoping for the best outcome. Happy. Healthy. Baby Girl.


  1. you can do it! and just think, all these annoying contractions now are just doing all the work for later, so when it's really time for her to come, it will take no time at all!!! can't wait to meet "sparkle"! :)

  2. If you do have her early, she is in great hands! Keep resting so she is not our inspiration for the March of Dimes Walk. Dianna

  3. I will keep her in my prayers, rest up lady and keep that baby in your belly for as long as you can...I bet that it was scary but you are one tough Mama and time will go by quickly!
