View from the big hill

View from the big hill

Friday, September 30, 2011

Where Milk Comes From

I live in the city.  Well, on the edge of a city anyway, and this looks like where my kids are going to grow up.  Not in the rural setting I came from.  So, I have made a pact with myself.  My kids WILL know where their food comes from.  Today I was able to take Wyatt to a small local dairy to learn where his milk comes from.  Truth be told, I learned a few things too.  I grew up around cattle, not dairy cows and there is a pretty big difference in how the farms operate. 

I was so excited Wyatt would get to spend some time on the farm.  He watched them milk a cow, then feed some of the milk to a calf.  He thought the calf had a pretty funny tongue.  I think he was pretty amazed by all the milk they got out of that cow!

We also got to feed their chickens (Lorelai loved the baby chick that the lady showed her!), ducks, turkeys and watched her feed the baby pigs.  Then the fun part, the kids got to bottle feed a calf.  It was pretty cute.  Wyatt informed the lady he knew what he was doing because he feeds his sister.  She got a good laugh out of that one. 
They had a few items for the kids to play and crawl on and through and a great little hay maze that was more of a raceway for Wyatt than a puzzle. 
The baby pig races were pretty cute but his two favorite parts about the entire trip where.... drum roll.... the airplane play gym and the baby kittens!  We stayed for quite a while after everyone left and he must have carted one of the kittens around for 45 minutes while it clung to the front of his jacket.  It was so cute.  I can remember playing with the little farm cats and kittens as a kid.  Holding one just put a smile on my face.  I can't remember the last time I held a kitten! 

We had such a great time with everyone and Wyatt got to breathe some good country air for a morning.  And, he now knows where his milk comes from.  I can mark it off my Raising Kids Bucket List.  Now if only I could figure out how to sneak one of those kittens past my hunting dogs and my husband we would be in business!
Klausmeyer Dairy Farm

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