View from the big hill

View from the big hill

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Breathing Easy

Lorelai has had a tough go of it lately.  I had a cold, then Wyatt got it, then Lorelai.  That was 8 days ago.  About halfway through the last week we thought she was doing better.  Then it got markedly worse.  Of course I noticed because I was up most of the night with a kiddo that couldn't quit coughing.  So you run through everything in your head that the doctor/nurse will ask if you go in.  Fever - No.  Nasal discharge - No and what she has is clear.  Eating well - No too bad.  Lethargic - No.  So, I didn't take her in thinking she had a run of the mill cold and would be better tomorrow. 

Last night I was up yet again most of the night with her and the ugly cough.  So, because I don't like sleeping in a twin bed with a 3 year old (Wyatt and Lorelai share a room) so I could be close to her, I called the doctor.  They had me come in and the doctor stuck his stethoscope to her chest and promptly said, "You sound terrible."  To which Lorelai promptly started screaming.  It was quite funny.  He told her he didn't mean her to take it so personally but I don't think she cared much.  He had them bring in a breathing machine for a treatment and then listened to her again after a couple of minutes and voila!  Better!  I literally couldn't hear her actively breathing like before when every time she inhaled and exhaled she sounded rough.   I was so excited to have her breathing clearly! 

This brings us to the "diagnosis"  I use this loosely because it isn't exactly a diagnosis, more of a wait and see.  The doctor called it Reactive Airway Disease and said that if this keeps happening to her, she may have asthma.  He gave her this diagnosis for two reasons.  One, she has eczema.  Two, her Dad has asthma.  These two things are linked to a higher incidence of asthma.  From what I have read, it is very difficult to diagnose asthma in children before age 6 so Reactive Airway Disease is used for those who are showing symptoms like Lorelai but just can't be diagnosed. 

Lorelai now has an arsenal of meds to get her over this bump in the road.  I am hoping the breathing treatments and oral meds help her recover and with any luck, this will be the only episode she ever has.  My fingers are crossed.  I just want her to feel better and breathe easy.

1 comment:

  1. I feel ya Megan! Little kids with tight and noisy lungs can be a scary thing to try and take care of! Not to mention trying to get them to sit still long enough for a breathing treatment! I hope she is feeling better and more herself soon!
