View from the big hill

View from the big hill

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

3rd Annual Kemper Family Farm Weekend

The Kempers

There are some things that will never change for me.  I love my family, I love where I come from and I love my Grandma Dolly.  Three years ago with the birth of my son I realized the importance of family.  I wanted him to know his cousins. First, second, third and so on.  I wanted him to know his great aunts and uncles and his only living great grandparent.  And I wanted them to know him.  So began the annual Kemper Family Farm Weekend.  For three years, those of us in the family tree under John and Dolly (Viola) Kemper get together at the family farm.  We have a project or two to complete.  The first year we painted Grandma's house, the next year her garage and this year we did yard work and washed windows and cupboards in her house.  It is a way for us to show appreciation for how much she means to us by brightening up her little corner of the world.  The best part?  Spending time with each other.  We laugh, tell stories, eat and reconnect after a year of busy lives.  This year we were so blessed to have the largest group yet.  There were six little kids (5 boys and 1 girl) ages 3 and 4!  Wow were they fun to watch!  It brought back so many memories of being little on the farm and playing with the cousins. 

Friday night we all headed out to the Logan Lake for pizza and smores.  Uncle Marc and Aunt Tam brought the Ranger and 4 wheeler to give rides and the kids tried to skip rocks on the lake.  Everyone stayed to watch the sun set.  Boy were those smores good!
Saturday we were up bright and early.  Homemade cinnamon rolls and cherry bars (cherries courtesy of Grandma Kemper's trees) were for breakfast.  Then we started in on the yard and housework.  Even the little kiddos got involved!

The grandkids were in charge of lunch and we had grilled hamburgers, hot dogs and brats and lots of yummy sides and desserts.  After lunch everyone either headed for a nap, to visit or to cool off in the city pool.  Dinner that night was at the church hall.  Aunt Tam and Rhea fried up the best fried chicken you can imagine.  Mom made the mashed potatoes and holy cow were we all stuffed when we left!
Frying chicken!!!!!
Mom cooking in the church kitchen
It was such a great time and I am grateful to everyone who could make it back.  I am bound and determined that this is one family who will not lose sight of the importance of each other.  My kids will remember just like I do, the farm and all the fun had there.  And I hope that Grandma Kemper enjoys having her kids, grandkids and great grandkids around her, even if it is just for a weekend.  Oh and just one more thing that will never change for me.... my memories!

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