View from the big hill

View from the big hill

Monday, March 28, 2011

Welcome to the Big Wide World

I have been waiting for the better part of a month for her to arrive since labor the first time around.  At 4:30am on March 19th I woke up not feeling very well and after getting up several times to walk around, started packing my bag for the hospital.  Not sure yet whether or not I was in labor, but I had a hunch.  Mike was of course sleeping through it all and I finally woke him up.  I hadn't been timing contractions, mostly because it was dark and I couldn't read the clock on the wall in the bathroom but also because I kept telling myself I wasn't in labor.  I don't know why but with each of my kids I have this phobia of getting to the hospital and the nurses laughing at me and sending me home with indigestion!  My Mom had been here for a couple of days helping me catch up on house work so I woke her up.  She started timing my contractions and they were 3 minutes apart and I have to say, quite painful!  Mike was outside moving Wyatt's car seat from our car to my Mom's and of course taking his time (or so it felt like) and my Mom was getting more and more concerned her granddaughter was about to make an appearance.  She got Mike back in the house where he got his coffee and a donut and we loaded into the car.  I just about socked him one when he sat for a minute and calmly munched on his donut and drank his coffee but I told him to GET ME TO THE HOSPITAL and I think he got the point!  We arrived there around 7am, I was dilated to a 6 and moving right along so phew, no chance they are sending me back home.  I had my epidural, which by the way did not have time to work, and Lorelai Viola was out and breathing at 9:11am.  Fast and furious!  There was a bit of drama in the delivery room when they discovered her head was laying over to one side and she was stuck but after much pushing on my abdomen by the doctor they got her free.  Her poor little head was completely black and blue but the rest of her was nice and pink.  She was the most beautiful little girl I had ever seen.  Tons of dark hair and a pretty little face.  It felt so good to have her here and healthy.  Instant love.
Black and blue but beautiful!

My Mom brought Wyatt by to meet his new sister shortly after she was born and if there was anything that melted my heart more than seeing Lorelai for the first time it was watching Wyatt love on her.  It was so amazing!  He instantly took to her and is as much in love as the rest of us. 

I now have two beautiful children and can't quite believe God has blessed me so wonderfully. What a journey this pregnancy has been but I have a feeling the journey of a lifetime is just beginning.


1 comment:

  1. yea!!! i'm so glad she's here! you have the most beautiful family! i love you guys!!!
