View from the big hill

View from the big hill

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Wyatt's New Room

Change doesn't happen easily for little or big people. When the little people in your life decide to make a change, that means you get to change too.  And in many cases, you don't get much time to process their decisions.  You just get to go with it and try and figure out how to deal with it as you go.  Well, Wyatt pulled a fast one on us yesterday and wanted to move his bedroom out of his sister's room.  This was something I eventually wanted to have happen.  And I stress the eventually. Like when he was 7, not 5.  But that was not in his plan and I just had to go with it.  So, I sit out here in the family room.  Lorelai in the very room her brother occupied at about her age when we first moved into this house, and Wyatt in his new room.  He was so excited, stepping out of his comfort zone, while I was left to stretch mine.  And it doesn't stretch easily.  So, I am trying to mentally figure out how to put kids to bed in different rooms when both seem to need you by their side as they fall asleep. And I wonder if my treadmill will wake him up when I use it on those days when I don't get a workout in during the day.  And if he wakes up in the middle of the night, like he usually does, will he be okay navigating his way to my room dragging his moose and his pillow?  And where in the world is everything going that was in his new room prior to him moving in?  One thing I do know is that this is just one of many fast ones these kids will throw us.  I just have to get my mitt up.  And take a deep breath and let them grow up.

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