View from the big hill

View from the big hill

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Jersey

I have never been into the latest fashions, I hate doing my hair, mostly because it refuses to cooperate and I don't spend much time on makeup.  I didn't get the dress-me-up-and-make-me-look-pretty gene.  So, I never expected one of my kids to be this way.  No of course it isn't my daughter.  She is way too young to care what I dress her in.  It is my son.  My son LOVES wearing jerseys.  And he is even specific about which top goes with which bottom. More than once I have tried to pair certain shorts with a regular old t-shirt only to be told, "MOM, those go with my jerseys!"  In the heat of this past summer, my son almost every day wore a hot, unbreatheable jersey.  The only time he isn't in one is when they are all dirty and I haven't done the laundry.  He then very sadly asks me why all his jerseys are still dirty and I walk, head down, into the laundry room and start a load.  I pick my battles and this is one I don't want to mess with. 

It makes him immeasurably happy to wear a jersey.  Just look at the smile in this photo.  Ear to ear!  He knows the numbers that go on each and will ask for the specific one.  "Hey Mom?  Is my number 8 jersey dirty?"  He is currently getting worried because his number 1 jersey is getting too small.  It was a hand me down like most that we have and he is dreading the day it goes away.  We have certain places he can't wear them, like church, although church functions are just fine.  He gets to wear them to school, but I did feel the need to let his teacher know I wash them often for fear she would think he wears the same clothes every day.  I know when he is older, I am going to look back at his photos and laugh at the fact that in most every picture he is in, he is wearing a jersey.  Until then, I am just going to keep the washer running and maybe look for a good sale on jerseys. :)

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